Seven members of First Baptist Church of Alexandria, Virginia traveled to Mississippi for threefold mission projects. According to Tony C. Duckworth, Mount Olive Ministries needed assistance with renovating Grace Christian School (GCS) restrooms. In additional to the restrooms project, Duckworth was concerned with the dan- ger of GCS being between two main busy highways. Whenever the students are outside for recess, playground items, such as, kick- ball, basketball, or volleyball will often go over the fence and across the roads. Sometime motorists would stop and return the items since GCS students were not allowed to retrieve the items. The third project concern was the need
for career exposure in the form of workshops for the students.

“Let’s send a small team to Mississippi to access the projects,” stated Larry Meyers (Head teacher of the FBC’s Men Sunday school class). Joe Murray (member of the Men Sunday school class) gave leadership to the small team. After the assessments, Murray report- ed to their men’s group that the food is excellent and the projects can be accomplished within seven days. A few months later, several of the class members were in Mount Olive, Mississippi ready to accomplish the three mission projects. The group was divided into three teams. One team replaced the toilets at GCS. The second team in- stalled baseball field poles and nets to keep the balls from crossing over GCS fence. And the third team used their professions to create career workshops. Within five days, all projects were completed.

These completed projects have made GCS safer and exposed to more career options. The career workshops exposed the students to Interior Design, Legal practice, and Military services. If you would like to bring a small group to Mount Olive, please submit our volunteer form.