There’s nothing like having a kite flying day to enjoy the windy weather… For the past two years, the Kindergarten class has hosted “Flying Kite Day.” While the kindergartens are learning how to hold the kite, fly the kite, run with the kite, and the art of keeping the kite in the air, the older students are enjoying flying their kites. This year, the first-grade students are enjoying flying their kites compared to last year when they were learning in Kindergarten. However, the kindergartens are not disappointed that their kites have refused to stay way up in the air. They are excited that their kite has a string, so it will follow them as they run with it. The idea of flying kites to the Kindergarten class is running with the kite. If the kite hit the ground or refused to stay in the air it was not an issue, they are happy to just play with the kite.